
Hi there! My name is Juan Manuel Pernumian, but I go by Pernu (you know, for short). I'm 31 years old, and I'm living the entrepreneur's life trying to innovate and make life easier for dentists whit Bilog. My curiosity and hunger for knowledge led me to be a candidate of the MBA at IAE Business School.

I graduated from University of Buenos Aires, with an Graphic Design degree. I chose it because I'm passionate about web design, and I've been since I can remember. I started venturing on the field when I was around 16, by building mini websites as a hobby. That's how I taught myself HTML and CSS, and learned how to use tools such as Photoshop and Illustrator.

At University I crossed paths with so many different technologies and areas, that's how I ended up learning User Experience Design (UX) at Globant UX Summer Camp.

After that I started working at Buenos Aires City Government as UX Designer bringing to life amazing experiences for the Buenos Aires citizens to jump to a Javascript developer career path at the most large latin american e-commerce, Mercado Libre.

What I most enjoy about my work is translating visual experiences into code, always by exploring new horizons and pushing myself to deliver my best.